Posts by Karlo :


Tatarian dance Ensemble „GUZEL CHULMAN”

Csaba Toth Bagi Balkan Union
Guitarist and singer Csaba Toth Bagi has been a fixture of the Hungarian music scene since his teenage years, well known for his powerful voice and his soulful and technically brilliant guitar playing. His rootsy blues and jazz style is greatly influenced by his Balkan upbringing, his Hungarian musical education and his years touring internationally with renowned guitarist Al Di Meola.
He was raised in Serbia in a family of musicians who later settled in southern Hungary in 1993 during the Yugoslavian war. His father started him on the piano at the age of 6, and by age 12 he had found his voice writing and recording on the guitar. At the age of 16, Csaba recorded his first blues album “Crazy Clock”(1997), featuring Tibor Tatrai, the most respected Hungarian blues guitarist. The album won great acclaim from European critics, who described him as “the Hungarian Gary Moore”. The album was soon followed by four more releases: “A Tribute to Jimi Hendrix”(1999), “Kell, Hogy Hazudj”(2000), “Another Blues World”(2003) and “Nelkuled (Without You)”(2006), a melodic collection of vocal compositions influenced by traditional Hungarian style with a pop delivery.
Csaba has been touring and performing throughout Eastern Europe with his bands which often include traditional Gypsy instrumentalists. In 2004, his trio CsaboWabo was chosen to represent Hungary at the Jazz in the Park European Union Exhibition and Festival in Bangkok, Thailand. Additionally he worked with Ennio Morricone at the National Theatre and Open Air Theatre of Szeged, Hungary.
In 2012 Csaba Toth Bagi Balkan Union has released “Aved Ivenda” of original compositions combining traditional Macedonian, Serbian and Hungarian melodies and rhythms into a jazz structure. The project has excited the attention of US jazz musicians Al Di Meola, Dave Weckl, Ernie Adams and Butch Thomas; Cuban percussionist Gumbi Ortiz; Italian accordionist Fausto Beccalossi and Macedonian keyboard player Vasil Hadzimanov, who have all added their own personal style to this unique fusion recording. In 2013 the band had Mike Stern and Trilok Gurtu as special guests and this special project was filmed and got released with Inakustik on DVD in 2015.
Csaba Toth Bagi Balkan Union has recently finished their second album featuring Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Fausto Beccalossi, Rhani Krija, Tina Guo, Ismail Lumanovski, Christiane Karam and more. The album will be released in May 2017 by Enja Records.
Páva gála
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Anna Csizmadia
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Andras Berec
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Fokos orchestra
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Zalan Levente Horvat
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Serbia – Horgos
Folk Ensemble Bartók

[:en]The youth dance group of Pļaviņas`s district cultural centre was found in year 2000.
„Daugaviņa” actively participates in district`s cultural life, performs in other districts and some events of Republic of Latvia. „Daugaviņa`s” repertoire consists of latvian folkdances with new, interesting arrangements and original choreography. The youth dance group with it`s concert programme has represented Latvia in International folklore festival „Susret Naroda i Kultura” in Sikirevcos, Croatia, (2005), International art symposium in Logumklooster, Denmark (2006), International festival „Južnaja Palmira” in Odesa, Ukraine (2007), “Zemplen International Folk Dance Festival” in Hungary (2013), “MFF World Wide Pulawy” in Poland (2016).
In year 2008 in XXIV All Latvian Song and XIV Dance Festival the youth dance group „Daugaviņa” was one of those collectives to have the honour to take part in the Final concert in the Mežaparks Grand stage, thanks to it`s gained points.
Collective`s artistic performance year after year is highly evaluated in nationwide dance demonstrations.
Supple, graceful, temperamental step – that is how the youth dance group „Daugaviņa” can be characterized, it is as relentless as the stream of Daugava.
The leader of „Daugaviņa” Ineta Reitere.
2008-ban a XXIV Minden Lett Ének és a XIV Táncfesztiválon a „Daugaviņa” ifjúsági tánccsoport a megszerzett pontjaiknak köszönhetően egyike volt azoknak a közösségnek, akinek abban a megtiszteltetésben letehett része, hogy részt vehettek a végső koncerten a Mežaparks nagyszínpadán.
A csoport művészi előadást évről évre kiemelten értékelik országos táncos bemutatókon.
Kecses, elegáns, temperamentumos lépések – így jellemezhetnénk a „Daugaviņa” táncegyüttest, olyan könyörtelen, mint a Daugava patak. A „Daugaviņa” vezetője Ineta Reitere.

[:en]Ansambl ,,Szökős” [:hu]Szökős együttes[:sr]Ansambl ,,Szökős” [:]
Članovi vojvođanskog ansambla ,,Szökős“, već dugi niz godina sviraju i veoma predano rade na popularizaciji mađarske instrumentalne narodne muzike. U ovakvom sastavu, ovo im je prvi album na kojem pored muzike njihovog zavičaja, prezentuju i šaroliku narodnu muziku celog karpatskog basena. Počev od tzv. zapadnog-Gornjeg kraja /Slovačka/, preko Vojvodine i Erdelja, možemo čuti mnoštvo lepih numera, a izvođači su se trudili da očuvaju tradicionalan način sviranja u stilu seoskih ciganskih muzičara. Na CD-u – kao i u narodnoj tradiciji – numere starih i novih stilova narodne muzike se sjajno uklapaju, takođe i melos pristigao iz drugih krajeva, ali muziku iz različitih razdoblja razdvajaju samo istraživači u sferi muzike, a seoski muzičari su ih svirali u istom stilu.